If you are ready to engage in the deep and meaningful work you know is ahead of you, complete the form below.

you’ll hear back from us within 1 business day.

After reviewing your information, our Care Coordinator will follow up with an email answering any questions you have, and will schedule you for a (no cost) 15 to 30 minute phone consultation to confirm that your needs are a good fit for one of our clinicians. If we don’t think we have someone on our team who can serve you exceptionally well, we will be honest with you. And then we’ll try to find referrals to clinicians who can. We want you to find the best care you can. For us, this is what it means to be in community.

If you contact us via phone, please leave a message and know that our Care Coordinator will return your call within 3 to 5 business days.

Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to hearing from you. If at any point you have any questions or concerns about our process or your interactions with our team, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always learning to do better and appreciate your feedback. You can email our director at danielle@wholevalleytherapy.com.