If you do this work professionally, finding the right therapist can you be especially challenging. You want someone who can keep up with you when it comes to your own therapy. 

You want someone who understands that knowing all the skills and theories doesn’t exempt you from needing someone outside the system to help process. You want someone who values your wisdom alongside your growing edges.

As healers, it’s doubly important that we do our own deep work–for ourselves and our clients. 

Whether we are therapists, case workers, first responders, or another kind of helping professional, we come to this work of caring for others for chosen and non-chosen reasons. In fact, many of us may be what Carl Jung calls “Wounded Healers” –professionals who have experienced trauma or mental health challenges first-hand and then gone on to help others.

Being a Wounded Healer is a gift.

It gives you a compassion, understanding and authenticity that speaks volumes to your clients in the therapy room. At times your work with clients may also highlight areas of your own development that may need tending. As you facilitate the healing of others in your professional life, we help you navigate your own continued healing. We approach the therapeutic relationship with humility, respect and collegiality. 

If you’ve come to this work in another way, doing your own work still matters.

Whether you are facing burnout, coping with the challenges of balancing life and practice, or simply looking to hone your craft by deepening your insight into self, we can help. We see therapy as a collaborative process of shared wisdom and experience. We’re well-versed in the occupational hazards of this profession and can help make sure you stay at the center of the process to truly get your needs met. 

Working with therapists and others in the ‘helping professions’ is one of my joys. I approach our work with curiosity and wonder, and I am always interested in what needs tended to at the intersection and edges. I understand our work may walk the tightrope of therapy and consultation, and am mindful of maintaining a balance that gets your needs met. I appreciate the way, in the words of Ram Doss, ‘We are all just walking each other home.’
— Danielle, Whole Valley Therapy clinician