Individual Therapy

We offer individual therapy to those who are located in Washington State at the time of service.

While our office is located in Duvall, WA, we have been serving individuals across WA state through telehealth since we first opened in 2016. In fact, all of our providers offer online therapy!

Whether you choose in-person or online services, we hope that you will find yourself at home in our practice. Individual therapy should be tailored to your specific needs, your history and your identities. You shouldn’t need to cut off parts of yourself to get care. We want you to show up as whole as you can, and we’ll do the same.The therapeutic relationship is at the heart of most therapeutic change.

At Whole Valley Therapy, we believe individual therapy is a microcosm of what happens in the bigger world. What does that mean? Here’s some examples:

  • If you find yourself shying away from deeper connections with people you care about in your “real life”, we imagine this dynamic might eventually show up in therapy too under the right conditions.

  • We assume that if you have a difficult time taking in the deep care your therapist has for you in session, you might struggle to allow in the love your friends or partner(s) have for you too.

  • We also trust that if you can do things like take risks, feel seen, or lovingly engage in new ways of being in session with your therapist, you can learn what needs to be in place for you to do those things in your life outside of session too.

So when your therapist invites you to tune into the “here and now” between you and the therapist, asks how the dynamics your describing from your outside life show up in the therapy room, or challenges you to try something new in session—it’s because we want you to have change throughout your life, not just in therapy!

Because the relationship is so central to the work we are doing, at some point in your care, you are likely to feel disappointed, frustrated, mad or hurt toward your therapist. When this happens (notice, we said “when” and not “if” because we assume all authentic connections will experience some kind of rupture) please let your therapist know. Sometime we make mistakes, sometimes we run into a raw spot in your history, and sometimes we just need to do better. Your feedback is a gift to us, even when it’s difficult to hear. As a team and individuals, we are committed to doing the work of repair when possible. We hope you’ll meet us there. For us, it’s just another chance to practice being in connection.